This is my 1st post in Arabic and probably the last. It’s actually an introduction of a book I read a couple of years ago, I write it here for my fellow Egyptians and ask them to read it thoroughly and ask themselves what the hell is so good about Egypt that they're proud of it.
لو لم أكن مصرياً لوددت أن أكون مصريا"ً"
مصطفى كامل
اخترت هذه العبارة لأبدأ بها أوراقي لأنها_ في رأي_ أسخف ما سمعت في حياتي! و هي تمثل_أن كان صاحبها صادقاً_ نوعاً من التعصب القبلي الغبي الذي ما إن أفكر فيه حتى يتملكني الغيظ، فماذا لو أن السيد مصطفى كامل ولد صينياً أو هندياً؟ هل كان سيردد العبارة ذاتها معتزاً بجنسيته الصينية أو الهندية؟. و هل لاعتزازه هذا أية قيمة إذا كان وليد الصدفة؟؟. و إذا كان مصطفى كامل يختار _بإرادته الواعية كما يزعم_ أن يكون مصرياً!. فلابد أن أسباباً مهمة تدفعه إلى هذا الاختيار!. لابد أن يرى في الشعب المصري فضائل لا توجد في أي شعب أخر!. ما هذه الفضائل إذاً؟!. هل يتميز المصريون مثلاً بالجدية و حب العمل كلاألمان أو اليبانيين؟!. هل يقدرون التاريخ و الفنون كالفرنسيين والإيطاليين؟!. ليسوا على أي شئ من ذلك..ماذا يتميز المصريون إذاً؟. أين هي فضائلهم؟. إنني أتحدى أي شخص أن يذكر لي فضيلة مصرية واحدة!!... الجبن و النفاق، الخبث و اللؤم، الكسل و الحقد، هذه هي صفاتنا المصرية. و لأننا ندرك حقيقة أنفسنا فنحن نداريها بالصياح و الأكاذيب. شعارات رنانة جوفاء نرددها ليل نهار عن شعبنا المصري "العظيم" و المحزن أننا من فرط ترديدنا الأكاذيب صدقناها، بل إننا_ و هذه مدهشة حقاً_ ننظم أكاذيبنا عن أنفسنا في أغنيات و أناشيد، هل سمعتم عن أي شعب في العالم يفعل أغنيات و أناشيد، هل سمعتم عن أي شعب في العالم يفعل ذلك؟ هل يردد الإنجليز مثلاً " أه يا إنجلترا يا بلدنا.. أرضك مرمر و ترابك مسك و عنبر؟!!". هذا الابتذال من خصائصنا الأصيلة..! تصوروا!... لقد قرأت العبارة التالية في كتاب المطالعة المقرر على الصف الثاني الابتدائي:
" إن الله يحب مصر كثيراً و قد ذكرها في كتابه الكريم، و لذلك فقد حباها بجو معتدل جميل صيفاً و شتاءً، و هو يحميها من كيد الأعداء."
أنظروا إلى ركام الأكاذيب الذي يحشرونه في عقول الأطفال. "إن جونا المعتدل الجميل" هذا، هو الجحيم بعينه؛ سبعة أشهر من مارس إلى أكتوبر و الحر المستمر يشوي جلودنا حتى تنفق البهائم و يذوب أسفلت الشوارع من وطأة القيظ، و لازلنا نحمد الله على جونا الجميل!ثم... إذا كان الله يحمي مصر من كيد الأعداء كما يقولون، فلماذا تم احتلالنا من كل شعوب الأرض؟. إن التاريخ المصري ليس في الواقع سوى سلسلة متصلة من الهزائم منينا بها أمام كل الأجناس بدءاً من الرومان إلى اليهود.
كل هذه الغباوات تثير أعصابي و الذي يخنقني أكثر أن نتمسح _نحن المصريين الخاملين_ في الفراعنة. كان الفراعنة أمة عظيمة حقاً، و لكن ما علاقتنا نحن بهم؟. نحن نتاج مشوش فاسد لاختلاط جنود الفاتحين بالسبايا من الرعايا المهزومة. إن الفلاح المصري الذي استبيحت أرضه و انتهكت رجولته على يد الغزاة قروناً طويلة، قد فقد كل ما يربطه بأجداده العظام، و هو من طول عهده بالذل قد ألفه و استكان إليه و اكتسب مع الوقت نفسية الخادم. حاول أن تتذكر كم مصرياً شجاعاً بمعنى الكلمة رأيته في حياتك!.. إن المصري_ مهما علت مكانته و زاد علمه_ ينحني أمامك ما دمت الأقوى، يبتسم في وجهك و يداهنك و في الوقت ذاته يمقتك و يسعى إلى القضاء عليك بطريقة خفية مأمونة لا تكلفه مواجهة و لا خطورة. مجرد خادم. هذا هو المصري. أنا أكره المصريين و أكره مصر، أكرهها من كل قلبي و أتمنى لها المزيد من التردي و البؤس، و برغم حرصي على إخفاء كراهيتي لمصر تجنباً لمشاكل غبية، فإنني أحياناً ما أعجز عن الكتمان. مرة كنت أتفرج في بيت زميل لي على مباراة كرة قدم بين مصر و بلد إفريقي اسمه زائير، و عندما أحرز اللاعب الإفريقي هدف الفوز في مرمى مصر، هللت فرحاً و استنكر الحاضرون سعادتي بالهزيمة. و لكنني لم أبه لهم، و رحت أتأمل بتشف لذيذ وجوه اللاعبين المصريين بعد الهزيمة، كانت نظراتهم كابية منكسرة و ملامحهم تقطر بالحزن و العجز، و هكذا يبدوا المصريون دائماً من ألاف السنين.
Labels: Thoughts
عــادى جــدا
لو واحـد خــان الرب
انه يـخـــون الوطن
3ashaan bene3la we ne3la we ne3laa lazem netaty netaty netaty
Does my previous reply make any sense? I bet it doesn't, its totally irrelevant but I think its the perfect answer to your irrelevant comment, since an irrelevant reply to an irrelevant comment might turn out to be relevant
Are you serious? is that all what you have to say! you ignored everything and discarded it simply because you and him aren't on the same religion?
You didn't try to argue or prove him wrong, do you have nothing to defend your point of view except flaming the author? is religion the only way you judge people?...................................
i'm not judging people in the first place ...
i guess Alaa el Aswane - WHOM YOU ARE POSTING HIS WORDS - the one who is !
my comment was directed to you .. refaat ... not him !
if it makes any sense to you
.. very simple ... very normal ..
with no loyalty to our Creator & Sustainer in the first place !
one can't expect loyalty to any other !
best of luck
That doesn't change the fact that you didn't say anything useful, flaming him or me without any valid argument wont accomplish anything.
You think I'm betraying my country simply because I'm stating my opinion about it? does being faithful mean i have to close my eyes about everything bad and repeat to myself and to everyone that "Masr om el donya" like a mantra over and over till i delude my self?
I think the idea of countries is no where to be found in religion so please don't put them in the same bundle, in fact there is a verse that states that people who are having a hard time where they live should move to a better place "since god's land is big" I don't remember the exact verse but i can dig it out if ya need. so a perfect socialization pawn like you shouldn't come here and flame people without any logical or valid argument.
Lastly about me betraying my religion, do you blame me for thinking? for searching where is the divine truth is? I simply refuse to be guided like a sheep and believe in "Toba le man aman we lam yara", i refuse to walk blindly and just have "Faith".
If you have any problems with my belief system, you are more than welcomed to come forth and discuss it like rational humans.
hi again
h r u refaat :)
plz note - i didn't specify (EGYPT) in my comments >> i only mentioned (NATIVE HOMELAND)
anybody's homeland
i wasn't ( DISCUSSING ) - YOUR - personal opinion - nor was i ( BLAMING ) you for having any !
actually i can't find a race or country that favors another - in itself !
About the religion issue,
i didn't specify a certain religion - did i :)?
& i didn't use the word ( ALLAH ) >>> i said ( GOD / CREATOR / SUSTAINOR )
refering to - whatever anybody's belief is or in !
My point there was that ...
I WASN'T SHOCKED NOR FOUND IT UNEXPECTED - when you posted ... your "only one arabic post" - (i mean your "only irrelevant post" - haha :$:$ - no j/k ... that was a joke :$ SORRY - lol )
i wasn't shocked - coz ( I ) find that when a person rejects faith in (his/her) Creator
can easily reject faith in (his/her) homeland where (he/she) was raised !
thats all !!
about the Qur'anic verse -(YOU)- refered to ..
thx for remindin me of it :)
"Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate therein"(4:97) - is the English translation of the verse :)
but i only find the verse telling those who are oppressed to emigrate - not to (humilate or reject or curse their homelands or what they are)
sorry i had some bla bla chat about Islam - its (YOU) who raised it! :P:)(F)
finally ,
i want to tell you - i'm one of your regular readers & i like your blog .. & appreciate your thinking & search for the truth ! which i find ( BLESSED ) !
make sure i'm not trying to become an obstacle in your searchin journey
we :P ... Egyptians :P ... say :
ربــنـا عــــرفــوه بــالـعــقـــــل
thanks for taking the time to read & answer my comments
I'm writing this comment in a half brain state, so if i don't make sense or miss some points don't blame me.
Egypt is a terrible country if you take an honest look at what the government & the police force are doing (raping/cheating/lying) to its people, and if you examine the people you'll find that what Alaa El Aswaan wrote is actually correct. Don't you think thats a physical and emotional oppression?
You're accusing me of being a traitor for my country/homeland can I ask what gave ya the idea or notion that people should be loyal to a "merry piece of land"? give me one reason beside socialization and I'll listen to what you say.
As a proof of concept lets scroll back through history, wasn't it the UK that conquered most of the world and set the boundaries between them? wasn't it them who forged the map of the new world? They split the lands up and said "thats your share!" and you expect me to fall for that trick?
If we're to follow your concept then Kurds (el akraad) should be loyal to Kurdistan and demand to have the..... "land" back!
Did you just notice this? i couldn't find the correct word to use, Land is a silly word to use cause they already live on Kurdistan's land, what they lost is the boundary and not their homeland.
There is no loyalty to one's land, loyalty is to one's friends, to one's family, to one's clan, to one's system.
Land is a man made concept, a concept he created and used mainly to wage war and to kill/loot his fellow man.
Thats all I got to say for now. there is a personal note: please try to keep all the talk in English since some people around here don't know the Arabic language.
Greetings Ref, mate ;-)
Hrmmm, so you wanted me to type this introduction for you to publish it on ur blog not for a friend...lair :-P
I am going to get to the point, you said a very important and point, which is the loyalty to your friends, family, clan...etc, and this what forms a homeland not boundries, and those people whom Alaa el Aswany insults not "land", and let me tell you he is insulting not criticizing at all, I can accept criticizem.
The truth always hurts and thats why you people got insulted by his words, but take the anger away and look closely, i challenge ya can get one single incorrect notion in all his words.
Egyptians are a bunch of cowards/faggers whom over the years learned nothing but submit-ion to everything stronger than themselves.
If thats not true why are they silent about the current government that literally rapes the people publicly and shamelessly and yet we all stay silent. Review the incident of the feast and how the women were gang banged in the street by men in the street, and when the women visited the police station to report what happened the police refused to file a case
What the fuck is wrong with you people, the government rapes us, our fellow citizens rapes us, and you sit silent and submit to everything that happens and when someone raises his voice and says that you're chickens you get mad at him?
When that mass gang bang happened in Australia the police arrested all who participated it in and hung them publicly in the streets!
Now that is a respectable human reaction, unlike yours that denied and refused to believe that it even happened!
Friends/clans/family don't form homelands, they form a small community. And lets take a small sample of our community lets say your street where ya live, do you know the people there? do you greet them by name when you walk around the area? do you give them a hand when they're in trouble?
Don't get fooled by this false sense of loyalty, its an ego to feel belonging to something and its a super ego when this something is big and important.
Like I've said before what forms a country is:
1) The people
2) The government
3) Unfortunately the land/boundary (since you cant cross between the boundaries freely)
Now lets see those points.
1) You don't know anyone outside your circle of friends and relative and you don't feel any loyalty to them! or else whenever you saw a fight in the street you would've tried to stop it not watch from a safe distant.
2) The government fucks you up in the name of the law and i doubt that anyone here would argue that its corrupt and gay
3) You already know my idea about boundaries so i wont repeat it.
NOW do you wanna tell me thats your sense of loyalty to such a country is valid or even true?!
If yes, then my dear friends you are in serious state of retardness and needs a therapy or you're self delluding yourself because you love this sense this super ego to feel belong to something as important as "Your Country"
"but for how long? If a man has even a shred of curiosity or self-honestly, he'll wake up one day and realize he's been deluding himself for thirty years. Society and religion brainwash a man into thinking he has to believe a certain way. So he tries to assume a posture he thinks will mesh with what's expected of him. First he puts one over on society--convincing them he fits in, that he's a nice fellow, that sort of thing. Then he puts one over on himself by believing his own act. By this time he’s hopelessly caught in the web of lies that has become his life." -Richard Rose
Sorry I deleted your comment, please type in English as i said before cause we have some non Arabic speakers around here.
I have no idea where ya guys got the notion that I'm using religion as backup to my idea I only used it once to tell Reem that its not a hard thing as she thinks to bail on your country since its even said in her system of belief (religion).
But as you guys can see from her and mine comments I don't follow or believe in religion much.
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